Deb McFarlane
Deb McFarlane is a freeform tapestry weaving. This art form is a specific type of weaving in which the colour and texture can change at any point, and it allows a picture to form with the yarns. She uses no patterns or pen lines and simply visually transforms the image, usually from a photo or sketch, into a woven picture. This requires skills in design, colour and technique. Deb has been weaving for over 20 years and from the beginning she realized that weaving could encompass both her painting skills and her love of the textile medium. She is intrigued how different yarns can enhance the surface qualities. (eg wool, silk, mohair, cotton, jute etc) and move into the third dimension through the use of textures. It is fascinating how the image is built up slowly and rather than being on the surface, these images are actually impregnated into the piece. Blending and interlacing yarns embodies a spiritual essence in each piece. Many of which tell a different story of a different place and time in her life. 90% of her subject matter are seascapes or water scenes and she feels she will never tire of reproducing nature’s beauty. Deb grew up on the North Coast of NSW and she currently lives in Ballina. Deb has had 2 solo exhibitions at the Northern Rivers Community Gallery in Ballina. She has won several awards, including a highly commended at the Bellingen Art Prize and a first prize at the Byron Arts Classic. She currently exhibits with BACCI and in various galleries in the region.